We are a top rated independent TV program in Alabama reaching over 1.8 million viewers, with as high as a 7.8% and higher- market share! (over ten times other local independent arts/entertainment shows) -rated first place in my time period in the ratings many times over the years. 1990 - Artvisions TV series is producted and copyrighted, TV broadcast on Cable tv. In 2003 Artvisions was broadcasted on the NBC National Network, Ch. 13 and state wide cable networks. Presently Artvisions airs on The Alabama Cable Network -Charter Channel 80 - Air times include Tuesday at 10PM, Friday at 11PM and Sunday at 1:30PM. Reaching over 500,000 Households through out most areas in Alabama & surrounding states. We have been airing for over 25 years, with over 700 original episodes on Alabama Broadcast Networks & Other States. Now We are broadcasting world wide on Youtube. ============================================================================= ALL CABLE TELEVISION PROGRAMS ARE PRIME TIME AIR TIMES! ARTVISIONS programs here: Click link to video stream page! Click to hear an original piano composition performed by producer- Richard Giroux (hig band) Artvisions is a top rated TV series from Alabama! #One Nielsen Rating- many times in 2006
Artvisions impacts human expressions, but imitations don't leave an impression! Anecdote: Imitations flatter us, but true originality impact us forever! <!--[if !vml]--> We wish to thank the participating Organizations below: Alabama Council for the Arts Birmingham Civil Rights Institute American Red Cross Birmingham Police Department Sloss Furnaces Birmingham Vulcan Park University of Alabama College of Arts & Sciences State Representative John Rogers Greater Birmingham Habitat for Humanities The Alabama Theatre UAB School of Health Sciences Southern Museum of Flight U.S. Congressman -Artur Davis The American Gospel Festival Federal Bureau of Investigations Southern Christian Leadership Conference Literacy Council of Alabama Jimmie Hale Missions & Jessie's Place Southeastern Bible College Civil Rights Activist Committee Alabama Sports Hall of Fame Brother Leo Men's Center Echota Cherokee Tribe of Alabama Desoto Caverns Alabama Jazz Hall of Fame Ruffner Mountain Nature Center Birmingham Zoo And many other non-profit Organizations See their telephone numbers on our "Organizations" link. Stay tuned every week for exciting programs about creativity & humanity. Respecting our world and the people around us. Artvisions Television Series was originally created & copyrighted 1987 in New England. We are a non-profit 501(C) (3) Organization- Alabama Media Arts Association Inc ...Richard Giroux -CEO/Owner:
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