Reality and truth are the last things most people realized and normally only after it's too late! There are distortions all around us. Never forget it! Distortions on TV, in books, and distortions in peoples own beliefs. Most people have beliefs and perspectives that cause them to react in a certain way. Most of the time, it's based on what a person feels and what a person has experienced. These personal experiences do impact someone's true perspectives. People have internal programming, experiences that makes them react to things, justify things and actually believe things that may not be real, or can be distortions. Brainwashing is not that hard to do, just alter the truth to suit distortions of the manipulators. We all have our own perspectives based on our own personal experiences from the way we were raised as children. Better human understanding and better perspectives can help us and might make this world a better place! We are not perfect; otherwise we would be God! We can better understand the real truths in our lives, and realize God is about love and respecting all forms of life! ~Written by- Richard Giroux Go to next page on abuse
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