"WHAT WAS THE REAL REASON FOR ANYONE'S ACTIONS" "Reason For Action" statement. What I mean by this, is to fill out a list of questions that relate to why you felt you did something. It could go like this, filling it out yourself, or having each party fill out completely each of the following questions. 1. What do you think happened? (use one particular incident) 2. What did you do? 3. What was your reasons in doing what you did? 4. What did you think you would accomplish by what you did? 5. What was the real results from what you did? 6. Was the results from what you did, accomplish what you were trying to accomplish? 7. What do you think the other person did? 8. What do you think the other person's reasons were for doing what he/she did? 9. What do you think the other person was trying to accomplish from what he/she did? 10. Do you think that the other person really accomplished what he/she was trying to accomplish? 11. Is there anything you can learn from all of this, and is there anything the other person could learn from all of this? 12. What can you do differently the next time? 13. What do you think the other person can do differently the next time? Fill out these questions honestly and then read your answers very carefully. Then share your answers if you feel it might might help you to find out what the other person is feeling and what your true feelings are. Sharing this with a counselor or minister might help also. Use caution in danger situations, like in an argument. It's much better if both parties participate willingly. Doing it first yourself might help. Any of us, can learn from these experiments. The middle of a conflict isn't the best place to be rational. All of these opinions are just that– just personal opinions. They won’t help everyone and in every situation. Always consult professional help if needed. ~Written by- Richard Giroux Go to next page on abuse Next pages on abuse....Problems Therapy Power & Control Protecting Yourself Reality & Truths Communication I disavow any and all legal responsibilities for the abuse caused by others. If in danger contact the police. Ask your counselor about this. |
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