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The following is an opinion only.  Ask your counselor about this.


Cognitive therapy is the real way to help someone. The old counseling approach is being thrown out in many colleges that teach advanced psychology. Someone has to re-frame their mind, put new pictures, new feelings, perspectives, etc, in their mind to replace the old negative ones.

Letting someone talk about their pain don't remove the pain. It's better when someone let God fill them with love and replaces their pain with God痴 love and faith. This is a form of cognitive therapy. Replacing you bad experiences and feelings, with positive ones.


                       NEGATIVE PROGRAMMING

One of the main reasons we have so much abuse in our society today is because we are bombarded with so much images, music, movies, computer games, magazines, TV shows, cartoons, etc. Remember that anything we see, hear, touch, feel, experience, -affects our sub-conscience and how we are.

Note- the Delta force in our armed services use the same computer games that the Columbine student killers did. Delta force knows that a game like "Mortal Combat" programs our brain to accept violence, and make a person less sensitive to the consequences of violence.

So all the violent and sexist TV shows, movies, magazines, music, etc. do indeed affect our society in a very negative way. Contrary to the denial from many movie studios, TV producers, writers, game programmers.

I hope and pray these pages on abuse, exercises, and explanations do help people understand what is really happening in our abusive world around us.

 May God give us the love and compassion to love/respect each other in the way we should

~Written by- Richard Giroux         Go to next page on abuse


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Last modified: 02/01/08